sustainable building

美 [səˈsteɪnəbl ˈbɪldɪŋ]英 [səˈsteɪnəbl ˈbɪldɪŋ]
  • 网络可持续建筑;可持续发展建筑;可持续性建筑;生态建筑;永续建筑
sustainable buildingsustainable building
  1. A comprehensive cost management based on sustainable building


  2. Study on Sustainable Building and Its Environmental Legal System in Jining City


  3. Sustainable Building in China and Sustainable Design Introduction by Instances


  4. A practical Design for Ecological and Sustainable Building


  5. We want to accelerate adoption of sustainable building and development practices .


  6. Sustainable Building Materials and Its Popularization in Housing Industry


  7. Welcome to the Sustainable Building Regional Conference for Northern europe !


  8. Sustainable building ( SB ) is the implementation of sustainable development concept in building industry .


  9. With the development of theory and practice of sustainable building , its assessment has become a key issue .


  10. Ecology of Sustainable Building life cycle & Modern Traditional and Agrestic Architecture as an example


  11. Due to its strong toughness and ductility , steel becomes the most sustainable building material at present .


  12. Sustainable Building and the Dutch Experiences


  13. Not only various disciplines , and the laws , policies also affect each other . Different policies affect sustainable building in different mechanism .


  14. Building construction and building use or maintain . The sustainable building and its environmental design methods and principles are studied from improving synthetical environment efficiency .


  15. Under the guiding of policy and evaluate system of green building , the architecture design teaching was requested to adapt the development of sustainable building .


  16. For instance , we might be able to take the Olympic blueprint for sustainable building techniques and share that with hotel groups .


  17. With the analysis on the status of Chinese sustainable building , the focuses are proposed including equipment , materials and technologies , design and education , especially the design .


  18. Eexactly the urban rejuvenation of the indi-vidual cases is the foundation of the sustainable building and landscape environment .


  19. Bryant , who is a Birmingham native , says she originally thought she would have to leave home to find work in the sustainable building industry .


  20. Sustainable building is the trend of architecture development in the future with the idea of enjoying popular supports , this paper will offer help to Handan rural kindergarten energy-saving design .


  21. Natural ventilation is the key tactic of sustainable building design . Bring the natural wind into underground space of the cities could contribute a great in improving air quality and energy saving .


  22. Sustainable building , which conforms to the " 3R " principle of reducing , reusing and recycling , includes three terminals of input , circulation and output .


  23. In this paper , the development of sustainable building design as a concept , study of the subtropical region in the architectural design of energy-saving building envelope design , and in practical engineering applications .


  24. This essay introduces the whole process from design goal to design strategies , and emphasizes the use of passive climate control technology , skin technology , as well as photovoltaics technology in sustainable building .


  25. Artist Nick Sayers created this piece above called " To Live ", a shelter created from scrap real estate signs designed to create a statement about homelessness and sustainable building .


  26. We hope that we can get a whole new cognition to the dwellings in the Qinling Mountain by this numeric analysis and research , and lead the local dwellings to develop a green and sustainable building model .


  27. Environmental effect of building-material is an important factor of sustainable building . Life Cycle Assessment ( LCA ) . By using LCA to evaluate the environmental suitability of building-materials , architects can do their great jobs for realization in sustainable development of resource and Environment .


  28. Gives an emphasis to elaborate characteristics of the outside surrounding protection structures of sustainable intelligence building , and it is the technology base of the sustainable intelligence architecture research of the next chapter .


  29. It is introduces in briefly the problem of environmental pollution which occurs in each stage of building cycle , and discuss the target to solve those environment problems nowadays , and inquires into the sustainable development building design thoughts in this paper .


  30. Science connotation of food safety and its sustainable controlling system building
